Classes in Your Library

Read about classes that are available in your library.

Classes in your Library

Visiting Your Local Library

Local Primary Schools can avail of regular class visits to your local library, and are also invited to attend events throughout the school year. The teacher’s class card allows teachers to borrow up to 35 items to use with students in the classroom. 

Libraries may also host a tour or group visit for adult learners, parents or other groups to learn about our services and resources. To enquire about bringing a class or group to your local library, call or email your local library.

Secondary School Visits

Projects are now an integral part of the Leaving and Junior Certificates. Secondary schools from the city and the county bring classes to the Reference or Local Studies departments where pupils are introduced to various articles and books for their special topics in history. 

For further information please contact the Reference department at (021) 492 4911 or email


Libraries host classes in basic computer skills with SOLAS.

In partnership with the Centre for Continuing & Adult Education in UCC (CACE) we make short courses accessible to local communities through our libraries. The library continues to host literacy classes and classes on basic English, in conjunction with Welcome English and other agencies.

Keep an eye on the What's On page for details of classes or groups in your library.
